Mold actually helps break down material

Mold is in the fungi group (the same group as mushrooms) and while mushrooms are often a delicious addition to dinner, mold is a disgusting annoyance that can ruin your home if you do not get it under control. Mold thrives in humid, damp, dark environments, so one important way to prevent or treat mold in your home is to practice moisture control tactics. Many people try a number of home moisture removers and claim these really work--if you find a good one! A moisture absorbent environment will help the very common problem of mold and mildew in homes, especially in more humid locations. What is Mold? Mold, though a huge problem inside the house, is a natural part of the outside environment. Mold actually helps break down material that is dead and decaying, so outside the home, mold is not harmful or destructive--it's actually helpful! Mold is so bad inside the home because mold will consume and destroy anything it settles down on. Once blow mould begins to grow in your home, it will produce allergens and other irritants to the respiratory system and will cause toxic substances called mycotoxins to grow. If you or your family constantly inhales these allergens and toxins in the air, serious health issues can arise. For this reason, it's imperative that you find out if you have mold in your home (it is not always visible), and you get it treated as soon as possible. Moisture Control- Since mold needs damp conditions to spread it will grow the best in rooms where there's a lot of moisture on the walls. The following household problems or situations may cause mold to grow: • Drainage problems • Roofs that leak • Clogged gutters • Flooded basement • Damp crawl spaces • Wet or damp basements or leaks in the basement • Bathroom leaks • Improper insulation • Improper ventilation • Use of humidifiers • Wet clothes drying indoors Moisture will collect on windows, badly insulated walls and roof areas when indoor air is warmer than the air outside which can cause mold to grow. While mold may be "natural" outdoors, it's not natural indoors, and it has a terrible smell and can be harmful to your health. Moisture control in your home and the use of quality moisture removers if this problem should occur are important to keeping mold outside, where it belongs, rather than in your home.


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